Accelerate Growth with AI

Meet your newest employee

Reduce tickets 80%+
With AI

Azule delivers AI agents that your business can train to interact with your customers on your behalf.
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Automate complex tasks and interact with customers

Get Started

Azule performs tasks that were once only possible with human support. Let Azule handle 80%+ of customer service tickets, edit and search orders, interact with your third party tools, and more. All in line with your brand's policies.

Customer support in seconds, 24/7

Never leave your customers waiting

Upload your data to Azule to train your agent in seconds. You can train an agent with almost anything.
Azule goes beyond just responding to questions. You can integrate Azule into practically anything and allow your agent to take actions with those integrations.

A fully integrated suite of

We take your data privacy seriously. Your business can maintain complete control over the data used by Azule. Our solution is modular and customizable to fit specific business use cases.
Display the content your users want to see

Take AI chat beyond text responses with video, images, links and citations

Azule can create chat experiences from almost any type of data. Create a chat experience from videos, documents, images, audio, and more. Surface the relevant content directly to your users so the they can get straight to what they're looking for.

Hosted Chat Solutions

Build Azule chat solutions into your existing product.

API Access

Effortlessly integrate Azule into your tech stack.

Automatic Finetuning

Businesses set up for fine tuning enjoy a fully managed solution. Zero technical knowledge is required on behalf of your team.

Complete response control

When an AI model is acting on your behalf you want training to be in your control. That's why Azule's training tools are intuitive and easy to use.
More services

Embrace the future of AI

Advisory Services

Provide your users with real-time support and quick answers to their queries for an enhanced experience.

Developer Training Sessions

Chatterlyze's AI learns from user interactions, allowing for tailored and relevant responses that resonate with your audience.

Inference at the edge

Azule specializes in edge inference technologies. Whether your usecase is IOT or customer support edge inference can unlock new capabilities in your product

Integrate Everywhere

AI applications deployed with Azule can be easily integrated anywhere. Integrate into your Saas product, Slack, helpdesks and more.

Let AI handle 80%+ of your customer support tickets

Azule works out of the box as a customer support tool. Spin up a live chat or integrate Azule into an existing helpdesk.
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Embrace the future of AI

As your business grows, Chatterlyze can grow with it. Our AI chatbot solution is designed to be scalable, ensuring that it can handle increased traffic and demands without compromising performance or user experience.

Advisory Services

Provide your users with real-time support and quick answers to their queries for an enhanced experience.

Developer Training Sessions

Chatterlyze's AI learns from user interactions, allowing for tailored and relevant responses that resonate with your audience.

Inference at the edge

Azule specializes in edge inference technologies. Whether your usecase is IOT or customer support edge inference can unlock new capabilities in your product

Integrate Everywhere

AI applications deployed with Azule can be easily integrated anywhere. Integrate into your Saas product, Slack, helpdesks and more.

Get Started with Azule

Ready to embrace AI in your business? Contact us today to learn how.